I have downloaded version 0.1.3 and copied the addon's folder \crowdrender, available inside the zipped file, in the \addons folder of my Blender 2.79 official portable installation. I am running Windows 10 Pro 64bit and Blender 64bit versions. Unfortunately, when I try to activate the add-on I get the following error in the Blender console:
Exception in module register(): 'D:\\Blender\\blender-2.79a-rc-windows64\\2.79\\scripts\\addons\\crowdrender\\__init__.py'
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "D:\Blender\blender-2.79a-rc-windows64\2.79\scripts\modules\addon_utils.py", line 354, in enable
File "D:\Blender\blender-2.79a-rc-windows64\2.79\scripts\addons\crowdrender\__init__.py", line 101, in register
File "D:\Blender\blender-2.79a-rc-windows64\2.79\scripts\addons\crowdrender\__init__.py", line 75, in select_platform
File "D:\Blender\blender-2.79a-rc-windows64\2.79\scripts\addons\crowdrender\__init__.py", line 92, in set_sys_path
addons_path = bpy.utils.script_paths(subdir="addons")[1]
IndexError: list index out of range
As you can see from the above, that same error occurs with 2.79, 2.79aRC, 2.79.2 (dev). Furthermore, I noticed that the subdir path is hardcoded to the \addons directory. Since I do use a custom folder named \addons_extern for all the not official addons, would it be possible to let the addon find out where is it installed instead of forcing the installation inside the user's \addons folder (C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.79)? Hope the above it's clear enough. Thank you.
Hi Gerrit, sorry for the delay in reaching you! Ok, let me have a look in my blender. I am using 2.79b right now...
Hmmmm, i still have two paths here. Can I ask, when you installed crowdrender, did you capture where it says it installed it to? Usually there is a message in the info bar or in the system console that tells you where the addon gets installed. This is vital information for this issue so if you can post back letting me know that would really help me help you :D