Hi ya !
I have a problem ! I have a master and 4 slaves all running 2.8 and CR17, I have an addon enabled called "toonkit" that uses OSL and that is installed on all machines aswell. So far all computers are synced and ready and can render from the master fine and dandy. My master and all slaves are set to cycles and have OSL enabled which is required for the toonkit addon . My problem is that crowd render will not render the toonkit shader when the slaves are enabled, however! it will render the toonkit shader when the master is ONLY selected . Also for the master only render I used the "render still" button in crowd render so the addon did the render. What do you think is happening?
@ James. Hi James. I worked out the problem concerning the addon and it was the addons problem. Turns out the version I had did not auto start/enable when blender opens, so when I started my slaves the add on was still turned off on all four nodes. I checked there website and they had an update which auto eables the addon ! so I updated the addon across all machines and the renders work!
A simple fix and glad that it was nothing more technical . Just would like to thankyou and congratulate you on your public relations management, you are really ontop of things. Peace !