I am testing out crowd render and all is fine when I render a still. When I made a 5 frame test for an animation part of it is rendering the animation but it is also rendering the first frame for every frame over top of the animation. Not sure how to correct this if it is on my side. thanks,

Hi Val,
Thanks for sending me those logs files. So, like we spoke about earlier today, the problem is that you connected, synced, and then changed the animation data of the scene.
Unfortunately the current alpha (at time of writing v018 to anyone reading this in the future ;) ) does not track animation data. So when you added your animation, this was not picked up by the addon, so it wasn't given to the other computers. Therefore they rendered the correct frames, but without the animation, resulting in the image you posted.
The workaround for this, is to do a full resync if you add animations. This will ensure all the animation data is sent to each node.
The best way to use crowdrender right now is to assume that unless you've made changes to existing data in the scene, that it hasn't been sent to the other computers. A resync or waiting until you've finished animating, texturing, modelling, etc to connect, is a good idea.
We're now working on the beta design. We're looking to track almost everything, including mesh edits. This will be rolled out slowly as we build and test each part.
Thanks for your patience with us!
Hi val, yeah, that is a bit weird. Off the top of my head I can't say why your system did this! This may have been captured in your logs. CR saves logs to your hard drive for each computer that renders. So if you can send me those we can investigate!
The logs can be auto packed into a zip file. You can find this tool in blender user preferences > addons tab > Crowdrender. Expand the crowdrender addon in the list and you should see a button called "zip logs". This will let you zip the logs for that machine. If you can do that on each machine and send me the logs for each computer we can try to investigate what is going on.
You can send logs to our info e-mail address (info at crowdrender dot com dot au)