Blender 2.81 (sub 16) (hash 26bd5ebd42e3 built 2019-11-20 16:33:00)
Read prefs: C:\Users\GC\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.81\config\userpref.blend
found bundled python: C:\Program Files\Blender Foundation\Blender 2.81\2.81\python
Crowd Render Client Interface Process ready
Blender 2.81 (sub 16) (hash 26bd5ebd42e3 built 2019-11-20 16:33:00)
Read prefs: C:\Users\GC\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.81\config\userpref.blend
AL lib: (EE) SetChannelMap: Failed to match front-center channel (2) in channel map
found bundled python: C:\Program Files\Blender Foundation\Blender 2.81\2.81\python
2019-12-13 19:18:25,162 ; INFO ; CIP is ALIVE
Info: Total files 0 | Changed 0 | Failed 0
Crowd Render Server Interface Process ready
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
File "C:\Users\GC\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.81\scripts\addons\crowdrender\src\py_3_7\", line 68, in <module>
machine_manager = server_interface.CRMachineManager()
File "/Users/jamescrowther/Desktop/Crowdrender/cr_compile/releases/multi OS releases/blender_addon/2.80/crowdrender/src/cr/", line 119, in __init__
File "/Users/jamescrowther/Desktop/Crowdrender/cr_compile/releases/multi OS releases/blender_addon/2.80/crowdrender/src/cr/", line 313, in setup_network
File "zmq\backend\cython\socket.pyx", line 547, in zmq.backend.cython.socket.Socket.bind
File "zmq\backend\cython\checkrc.pxd", line 25, in zmq.backend.cython.checkrc._check_rc
zmq.error.ZMQError: Permission denied
Blender quit
HiHo, As instructed -
there were 5 instances of Blender still active even though Blender was closed - terminated those.
checked the ports and only Blender was using 9001 and 9002 both as IPv4 loopback
Just to be sure I changed the port range on both computers to 11000
Rebooted both computers, restarted blender and checked ports - host machine active ports 11001 and 11002, client machine listening on 1101,2,5,6 and 1107.
Tried test render, which failed, log stated that server didn't have access to the Blender Temp folder, and the client did not have a camera in the scene, which it didn't.
Because the server knew the client did not have a camera I assume they are connected.
Gave the blender temp folder everybody read/write access and addded camera to client blender scene -
(just as an aside - do I have to manually load the Blender project i'm rendering on the client machine ?)
Any way second attempt got 'local render failed' warning on client machine and log file showed lots of authorisation required errors,.-
"2019-12-14 18:16:09,367 ; INFO ; ###################### LOGGING START #######################
2019-12-14 18:16:09,368 ; INFO ; Blender Version ; (2, 81, 16)
2019-12-14 18:16:09,368 ; INFO ; Bl Build type ; b'Release'
2019-12-14 18:16:09,368 ; INFO ; Bl Build Branch ; b'master'
2019-12-14 18:16:09,368 ; INFO ; Bl Platform ; b'Windows'
2019-12-14 18:16:09,368 ; INFO ; Bl bundled python ver ; 3.7.4 (default, Aug 13 2019, 14:10:15) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
2019-12-14 18:16:09,368 ; INFO ; cr build type ; release
2019-12-14 18:16:09,369 ; INFO ; cr build branch ; trunk/Blender_addon/2.80/User/Crowdrender r1404
2019-12-14 18:16:09,369 ; INFO ; cr system mode is ; 20
2019-12-14 18:16:09,370 ; INFO ; System architecture ; AMD64
2019-12-14 18:16:09,370 ; INFO ; Computer name ; PR001
2019-12-14 18:16:09,370 ; INFO ; Platform details ; Windows-10-10.0.18362
2019-12-14 18:16:09,370 ; INFO ; OS version ; ('10', '10.0.18362', '', '')
2019-12-14 18:16:09,425 ; INFO ; CRClientServerManager.setup_network;Network Interfaces Initialised
2019-12-14 18:16:12,584 ; INFO ; CRFileRequest.__init__:;File Requester connected its inproc channel
2019-12-14 18:16:12,589 ; INFO ; CRClientServerManager.init_session;screen divisions for : local are :()
2019-12-14 18:16:12,589 ; INFO ; CRClientServerManager.init_session;completed sending load_msg
2019-12-14 18:16:13,550 ; WARNING ; CRClientServerManager.handle_disc_httpresp ;Error received from discovery :{'error': 'Authorisation Required'}
2019-12-14 18:20:14,638 ; INFO ; CRClientServerManager.init_session;screen divisions for : local are :()
2019-12-14 18:20:14,639 ; INFO ; CRClientServerManager.init_session;completed sending load_msg
2019-12-14 18:20:15,617 ; WARNING ; CRClientServerManager.handle_disc_httpresp ;Error received from discovery :{'error': 'Authorisation Required'}
2019-12-14 18:20:55,823 ; INFO ; CRClientServerManager.init_session;screen divisions for : local are :()
2019-12-14 18:20:55,823 ; INFO ; CRClientServerManager.init_session;completed sending load_msg
2019-12-14 18:20:56,787 ; WARNING ; CRClientServerManager.handle_disc_httpresp ;Error received from discovery :{'error': 'Authorisation Required'}
2019-12-14 20:15:15,377 ; INFO ; CRClientServerManager.init_session;screen divisions for : local are :()
2019-12-14 20:15:15,378 ; INFO ; CRClientServerManager.init_session;completed sending load_msg
2019-12-14 20:15:16,563 ; WARNING ; CRClientServerManager.handle_disc_httpresp ;Error received from discovery :{'error': 'Authorisation Required'}"
Also, after the failed attempt Blender Server machine had started using multiple random ports - see image.
G'day Greshame :) ok, I think this is related to your bug report? I am reading that now. From the error message you posted, this looks like it could be a conflict with another process that is usingTCP ports in the range 9000-9025. We use these ports for communicating and doing I/O between the computers. So things like sending blend files, getting image data, sending commands and receiving updates from all your computers, stuff like that.
If another process is using these ports then there will be an error similar to this.
ok, so, noticed you're on windows, the best thing to do here would be to first, close blender. Then open task manager and look for any processes called "blender" and manually kill them. Its quite possible that one of our background services (which use the blender process) has hung and is causing the problem.
If that doesn't fix it, then you can search for other processes that might be using those ports in resource monitor, which you can access from task manager. There is a section of the resource monitor that lets you see all the ports in use by each process. If there are any processes using ports in the range 9000-9025, you might want to consider either;
1. Stopping those processes, but only if you know what they do and you're fine with them being killed; or
2. You can change the port range used by crowd render in the user preferences of Blender, just go to User Prefs, addons, Crowdrender, look for the options to change the start port. You only need to change the start port number to move the set of ports to a different number, all the other ports are offset fro this start port. WARNING! You will need to make the start port the same on all computers otherwise they will not be able to connect!