System: Windows 10
Blender version: 2.78a
I've installed and enabled the addon according to the instructions, but a crowdrender panel doesn't show up and is nowhere to be found. No errors were reported by the program.
The same result on 2 different machines - first one with heavily modified blender, with tons of other addons and second one with completely fresh blender installation.
Hi Jakub! Thats great news :) As I mentioned in a recent e-mail, we'll be issuing an updated build this week that solves this problem.
Manual creation of "cr" folder in C:\Users\*your_user_name*\ directory solved the problem. Crowdrender panel shows up normally.
Hi Jakub,
Please let us know if you have tried Rene's approach of setting all permission on your Users folder to not be read-only. If they truly are read-only, blender and by association, crowdrender won't be able to write files that are needed for it to work.
Thanks for checking all this for us! We value your patience in testing this for us, we'll have you up and running soon.
Hi Rene,
I'll need a bit more information, I've tracked down where the issue seems to be in code. Would it be possible for you to send me your logs files? They should be in your C:\Users\*your_user_name*\cr\logging folder. You can send them to [email protected] :D
Also sorry for the delay, I was moving house today :D
Nope, Still not connecting. Checked of course second machine and that is still running and connected. I use wired connections only.
CR state 64 appears when trying to connect. After some time it falls back in state 1.
But no connection.
Forgot to mention that I also allowed CR in Windows Firewall to connect.
Weird. CR had connected to second machine so all looked fine to start. But I thought, lets not take this large project for a first test. So loaded a much smaller one. But now it does not connect anymore. Even after restart of Blender.
Will restart PC now to see if that helps.
Not with me. After disabling "read only" on BOTH folders, the Crowdrender menu pops up.
About to start my first render now. :-)
The error shows up even with permissions set to full control.
Hi Rene, Jakub
I think capitals do matter crowdrender is looking for (see bold text below)
cr_path = os.path.expanduser("~") + os.path.normpath('/cr/client')
If crowdrender can't create this folder due to permissions issues on the directory (something that my pal Jeremy had trouble with on windows 10) then its very likely that crowdrender will fail in this way. It needs to be able to access the C:\\Users\\*Your_user_name*\\cr\\client directory.
The line that shows the error in the traceback above (thank you so much for that Jakub! Makes it so much easier to debug) is a line that attempts to create the \\cr\\client path. Since this failed, can you check that you have full control over your Users directory? I had a similar problem on windows 7 and everything worked once I had set permissions to full control for my user profile.
Let me know what permissions you have and if setting them to full control solves the problem?
After creating that folder, it comes with same error on folder Cr/client.
Keeps coming with that error, even after creating folder Cr/client.
Windows machine, so I assume that capitals does not matter?
I have the same error
Just to let you know
Hi Jakub,
Very interesting (any a little annoying), when we compiled the addon, its seems as though my computer hard coded a path to the files required, but obviously those files should be referred to on your system. Let me investigate further and publish a patch.
Hi James,
Thank you for quick response.
It seems that there indeed is some error. I should have checked the console earlier.
There is no "cr" folder anywhere (so I can't provide a log file) and it seems that this is what the error above refers to at it's end ("System can't find requested directory").
I am no programmer and I am sorry if this is a noob question, but why it is somehow referring to files on your desktop?
Below is everything that shows up in the console after enabling the addon:
about to reg client
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\Jakub\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.78\scripts\addons\crowdrender\__init__.py", line 819, in scene_update_fwd
File "C:\Users\Jakub\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.78\scripts\addons\crowdrender\__init__.py", line 183, in event_register
File "C:\Users\Jakub\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.78\scripts\addons\crowdrender\__init__.py", line 212, in register_package
File "C:\Users\Jakub\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.78\scripts\addons\crowdrender\__init__.py", line 148, in cr_import
from crowdrender import settings
File "/Users/jamesmac/Desktop/crowdrender/settings.py", line 47, in <module>
File "/Users/jamesmac/Desktop/crowdrender/utils.py", line 242, in <module>
File "/Users/jamesmac/Desktop/crowdrender/utils.py", line 239, in set_cr_path
FileNotFoundError: [WinError 3] System nie mo┼╝e odnale┼║─ç okre┼Ťlonej ┼Ťcie┼╝ki: 'C:\\Users\\Jakub\\cr\\client'
Hi Jakub, ok lets get to the bottom fo this. Is it ok if I ask you to send me some screen shots and log files? If you like you can e-mail them to me at [email protected]
Just so you know, if there is no panel, its likely because the add-on couldn't be enabled. So we'll investigate this to see what is going on.
I am going to ask you to run a few tests if that is alright. First, I need to see your user preferences> add-ons tab, search for crowdrender so the addon is showing with the addon details fully showing like mine below.
If you look carefully at the image above you can see that in my system, crowdrender is not enabled, this is by default since loading blender with crowdrender enabled doesn't work yet.
Please can you open blender, click the check box next to "Render: Crowd Render" to enable the add-on. If there is a problem enabling crowdrender, then errors will be written to the console and log files. So I will need to see both.
Open your console window by going to blender and then opening window > show console. You can copy and paste the output from the console into a text file.
Then, you should have a folder called "cr" in your C:\Users\*your_user_name*\ directory. Inside the "cr" directory you should see another directory called logging. Have a look inside, there should be a file called cr_client.txt or cr_client.log.
If you could send me this information, I can then help you!
All the best
James :)