I got this known bug as soon as plugin is enabled, not triggered by rendering or something else, so I don´t know if is relevant to post this or not but here we go just in cases.
Windows 8 Pro x64
Blender 2.78a
Crowdrender 0.1.1
Description: Plugin just installed and enabled and famous empty engine title appeared on render engines dropdown menu

about to reg client
<bpy_struct, Area at 0x00000071B72A8188>
<bpy_struct, Area at 0x00000071B72A8188>
2017-02-25 18:16:13,452 - cr_client - INFO - CRClient Logging initialised
2017-02-25 18:16:13,459 - cr_client - INFO - CRClient Network interfaces initial
hash_tree created
top hash changed, new value: 68456182020678958620914800730788
2017-02-25 18:16:13,577 - cr_client - INFO - New session, creating directory and
(('', '', 'address of your network device for this compu
ter'), ('', '', 'address of your network device for this
Could not update local address on client
bpy.utils.register_module('crowdrender'): ...
<class 'crowdrender.ui_operators.cr_dummy'>
<class 'crowdrender.ui_operators.connect_remote_server'>
<class 'crowdrender.ui_operators.cancel_connect_remote_server'>
<class 'crowdrender.ui_operators.disconnect_remote_machines'>
<class 'crowdrender.ui_operators.cr_render'>
<class 'crowdrender.ui_operators.NetworkErrorOperator'>
<class 'crowdrender.ui_operators.IncorrectEngineOperator'>
<class 'crowdrender.ui_operators.ResyncRemoteMachine'>
<class 'crowdrender.ui_operators.cr_discover_local_ip'>
<class 'crowdrender.ui_panels.RENDER_PT_network_panel'>
<class 'crowdrender.crender_engine.CrenderEngine'>
Crowd Render user_session add-on enabled
2017-02-25 18:16:16,322 - cr_client - INFO - CIP is ALIVE
2017-02-25 18:16:16,323 - cr_client - INFO - {"command": "LOCAL_ADDRESS_UPDATE",
"attributes": {"local_address": ""}, "message": ""}
2017-02-25 18:16:16,873 - cr_client - INFO - SIP is AlIVE
<!> event has invalid window
Hi Adriano,
Well spotted! Yes there is a blank title, we made this entry blank on purpose to avoid confusion. Seems to have backfired!
The issue for us was that if we had titled this entry in the menu 'crowdrender' then lots of people might have selected it trying to render. But this is not the way our addon really works ;)
The way we intended users to work with crowdrender is to select the engine they would like to render with, so either blender internal or cycles, from the drop down menu. We track this automatically and the user can then simply go about using blender as normal. No need to select crowdrender from the engine menu to use our addon, you just render from our new panel in the render properties window.
Once you do hit "render still" on the crowdrender panel, then we automatically switch to this blank titled engine in the background to manage the render for you. We do currently have a bug though, we're supposed to switch the engine back to whatever engine you had selected before using our addon to render. This is currently not working in 0.1.1 and we're working hard to fix it in 0.1.2. You can read more about this bug at cr-153-render-engine-selection-is-blank