Hi ya!
Love your work and I hope your development founds are improving.
I got a problem! Everything is synced , all nodes render and I can see the percentage as they get through the work, all the way to 100 percent, then they hang with a "get tile 100%". After a little while i get an orange message down the bottom of my screen "cant retrieve a render tile". I chek my render image and there is nothing showing. Has anyone come across this ?
I have the same problem, is there a solution/workaround or fix for this
Hi Benjamin, yep, this is something that happens to us as well when we're using the addon. We're now starting to code the beta version. We're focussing a lot of attention on this particular area. Though its slow going, all three of the dev team, myself included, are working day jobs right now. So we're coding in our spare time.
But we are going to re-launch our crowdfunding campaign in an attempt to get some of us working back on the project during daylight hours :)