Using Ubuntu 18.04. Installation goes well, so does enabling, but when i click 'start' it throws me this error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/jamescrowther/Desktop/Crowdrender/cr_compile/releases/multi OS releases/blender_addon/2.80/crowdrender/src/cr/", line 512, in invoke
File "/Users/jamescrowther/Desktop/Crowdrender/cr_compile/releases/multi OS releases/blender_addon/2.80/crowdrender/src/cr/", line 1325, in rebind_data_collections
AttributeError: 'BlendData' object has no attribute 'grease_pencil'
location: <unknown location>:-1
Any good ideas? I'm using the latest build of both blender 2.8 and CrowdRender
Same problem here. I'd love a link to 1.7 as well. Cheers! Thanks for your work on crowdrender!