So I have four computers in total for my render farm. An iMac 27 inch 2015, a 2010 MacBook Pro 13 inch, and two Optiplex 745's, one of them with a GeForce GT 620. Both of the Macs, even though the macbook is running windows 10, won't start the addon. the iMac spits out this error:

and the Macbook can barely start blender because most of the time it's broken. meanwhile, the optiplex with the gpu runs all of it fine, but I wouldn't know since the other one has such an outdated integrated graphics that it won't even start blender. If the Devs could get on this and help me out that would be fantastic, as I am eager to provide feedback and benchmark results.
PS I haven't tried blender 2.79 on the Imac yet, but it won't install for some reason.
Hi Timmy, thanks for that update :) Glad you got it to work with 2.79, yes, we know about 2.78 not working, I'm working on a patch for that right now. Keep on testing! Great to see you are getting stuck into using this :)