Hi, I downloaded 0.1.2 and had it up and running in minutes (with the help of your youtube video). And who can't love that.
I was not able to get it to function on a larger architectural interior though, as it seems to hang or only render one portion worth of the image. Seems to create different error behavior each time so I am not sure if it is a node error handling problem. I get "ERROR ; local could not be resolved to a node" (in cr_client.log) so it may just be that I need to take a look at my filepaths.
And (on the same file) if I open the autosave .blend file that is made when you click "Render still" and then try to hit "Render still" I get this error in red "Could not find result image for :local" (in the Info python display).
I also noticed that in the UI, the "Render Nodes" section only appears in the first instance of Blender that you have open, following instances of Blender only display the "Render Controls" section. Not a huge issue but can frustrate workflows.
And of course, more error handling will be awesome.
Some features I would use:
1. A button for whether the Client/Master processes the image as well (so as not to slow down your workstation)
2. A way to save/load a Node List
3. Network Bake Textures (I know, not a small request)
4. Network Bake Physics (I know, even worse)
Love the work, Thank You!
Hi Aaron, no problem, thanks for posting the report! I'll take a look and get back to you :D