So i was stupid enough to encounter a little problems and some of them were me not knowing any better and i bombarded the Report an Issue tracker with 3 mails. Many problems which got fixed after me realising i had done something wrong. So i thought well, forum is a better place for interaction so i dont keep reporting already fixed problems.
Issues i've had so far:
1. Linked objects won't Sync/Render, i have two linked groups in my scene referencing data from other files. that data is grouped objects like all the environment, and its lighting, the character, the character lighting, all of them linked from other files and tweaked through proxies, But when a file seems to have linked data from another file in it the thing wont sync, it either gets stuck at syncing 1% or shows syncing failed.
2. local seems to render everything with textures, other PC's render it without textures

the workaround seems to be to pack all textures into the blend file.

3. as soon as i hit "Make compositor Nodes" button blender shuts down.
Hallo könntet ihr mir helfen?
Nach dem rendern erscheind bei mir kein Bild
Was mache ich falsch ?
Ich kann kein Englisch deswegen ist es schwierig für mich alles so umzusetzen wie es erwartet wird aber ich taste mich langsam heran und werde wenn ich alle fehler behoben habe mal selber ein Video machen in Deutsch damit andere die Vileicht die selben Probleme hatten wie ich es leichter haben