Hi! First of all, i´d like to thank the team for sharing this awesome addon. It will help
a lot. Now, to the problem.
Im trying to call the crowd render animation operator through the following lines:
import bpy.ops
And im getting the following error:
RuntimeError: Error: Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/jamescrowther/Desktop/Crowdrender/cr_compile/releases/multi OS releases/blender_addon/2.80/crowdrender/src/cr/ui_operators.py", line 4249, in execute
ValueError: list.remove(x): x not in list
Im not a python guy, but looking the error it seems to be an operator internal problem, or am i doing something wrong?
Thanks in advance!
EDIT: Im sorry, just saw a category for this type of question. Would like to ask to the moderator to move to there. Thanks and sorry again.
NP, but our forum can't support moving posts sadly, trying again by building our own forum on a new website. Self hosted is the way of the future. :)