I'm having a bit of trouble setting up network rendering.
I'm running Ubuntu 20.10 (x86) on my laptop, and Ubuntu server 20.10 (ARM64) on my raspberry pi 4.
Both devices are running blender 2.83.5, As well as Crowdrender v0.3.0.
I'm running blender via the gui on my laptop, and blender headless on the pi, using this command:
blender -noaudio -b --python /root/.config/blender/2.83/scripts/addons/crowdrender/src/py_3_8/serv_int_start.py -- -t "server_int_proc"
When adding the pi node on the laptop instance of blender, it wont connect. It doesn't fail, doesn't sync - just hangs and never connects, or errors out.
I know the connection must be working, as before clicking connect, the pi just sits with:
"Crowd Render Server Interface Process ready"
When i click "Connect", i can see the node begin to do something:
Blender 2.83.5
Read prefs: /root/.config/blender/2.83/config/userpref.blend
Crowd Render Server Interface Process ready
NODE: pi-control-plane b'Blender 2.83.5\n'
NODE: pi-control-plane b'Read prefs: /root/.config/blender/2.83/config/userpref.blend\n'
NODE: pi-control-plane b"Warning: 'CloudIssuesList' doesn't contain '_UL_' with prefix & suffix\n"
NODE: pi-control-plane b"Warning: 'NodeReportList' doesn't contain '_UL_' with prefix & suffix\n"
NODE: pi-control-plane b'2021-06-26 17:18:33,090 ; INFO ; ###################### LOGGING START #######################\n'
NODE: pi-control-plane b'2021-06-26 17:18:33,090 ; INFO ; Blender Version ; (2, 83, 5)\n'
NODE: pi-control-plane b"2021-06-26 17:18:33,090 ; INFO ; Bl Build type ; b'Unknown'\n"
NODE: pi-control-plane b"2021-06-26 17:18:33,090 ; INFO ; Bl Build Branch ; b'Unknown'\n"
NODE: pi-control-plane b"2021-06-26 17:18:33,091 ; INFO ; Bl Platform ; b'Unknown'\n"
NODE: pi-control-plane b'2021-06-26 17:18:33,091 ; INFO ; Bl bundled python ver ; 3.8.6 (default, May 27 2021, 13:28:02) \n'
NODE: pi-control-plane b'[GCC 10.2.0]\n'
NODE: pi-control-plane b'2021-06-26 17:18:33,091 ; INFO ; cr build type ; release\n'
NODE: pi-control-plane b'2021-06-26 17:18:33,091 ; INFO ; cr build branch ; tagged/cr_030_bl280+ r$LastChangedRevision: 1695 $\n'
NODE: pi-control-plane b'2021-06-26 17:18:33,091 ; INFO ; cr logging mode is ; 20\n'
NODE: pi-control-plane b'2021-06-26 17:18:33,092 ; INFO ; cr version is ; (0, 3, 0)\n'
NODE: pi-control-plane b'2021-06-26 17:18:33,092 ; INFO ; System architecture ; aarch64\n'
NODE: pi-control-plane b'2021-06-26 17:18:33,092 ; INFO ; Computer name ; pi-control-plane\n'
NODE: pi-control-plane b'2021-06-26 17:18:33,092 ; INFO ; Platform details ; Linux-5.8.0-1029-raspi-aarch64-with-glibc2.29\n'
NODE: pi-control-plane b"2021-06-26 17:18:33,093 ; INFO ; OS distribution and version ; ('Ubuntu', '20.10', 'groovy')\n"
NODE: pi-control-plane b'Blender 2.83.5\n'
The laptop instance never connects, or errors out when trying to connect to the pi, and the pi sits displaying the log I've pasted above.
I've been trying to debug and poke around the issue, but I'm reaching the limits of my understanding.
If someone could point me in the right direction, it really would be appreciated!
I don't want it to look like I've done no digging, I've had a look through the troubleshooting section, as well as trying a few different versions of blender - but seem to get the same behaviour. Ive also verified that nothing else is using the ports that crowd render is trying to use.
Covering the bases:
The render nodes you want to connect to are off, not running Blender, or CrowdRender, on fire, gone, etc
- viewing the log from blender running in the background on the pi in real time, so isn't this
The render nodes you want to connect to no longer have network connections
- viewing the node via SSH in real time, on same network
The render nodes you want to connect to have firewalls blocking Blender from accepting incoming network connections
- I can see the logs change on the pi, when i click "Connect" on the laptop
The render nodes you want to connect to are on a different physical network to the one you're connected to
- Everything is on the same VLAN, all on my home router, SSH works fine
The render nodes you want to connect to are running a different version of blender, CrowdRender etc
- Verified these are both the same, see above
- pi is connected via ethernet, and I'm sat in the living room by the router :)
The ip address you typed in that you were sure was right proved you that you were wrong, but you won't admit it.
- 100% the correct IP, as i see the logs move on when hitting connect
- I'm also SSH-ing to it with the same IP :)
Hope this helps rule out some potential issues 🙂
for anyone curious, i have a cluster of Arm sbc's totalling 44 cores/18gb Ram - just trying to connect an initial node. I'm aware this probably isn't the most economical route, but proving out running this at scale would be real nice 🙂
Hi Andrew :)
So, lets try to get to the bottom of this, you say you are SSH to the nodes, are they on the same physical network as you? Or are they remote? You mention VLAN, so curious to know how you're connected to the node you tried to setup?