I have been using CR for a few days now, and I like what I see. It has greatly reduced my render time for several projects.
However, on my latest project, it seems to be altering the layout of the scene before rendering. I am not sure if I am doing something wrong, or if this is a bug of some sort. I am only using 2 computers, both using blender 2.83.10 and CR 0.2.6. I am making sure to sync before rendering.
When I render with Ctrl-F12:

When I render using the CR addon:

Ok, I think I found the issue. I am using multiple scenes composited together. one of the other scenes was set to output at 50% size. When I rendered the standard blender way I ignored how the other scenes were scaled and only used the scaling set on the active scene. When I rendered through CR, each scene was rendered at it's set scale, then composited together. When I made the scales the same the issue went away.