I am very new to crowdrenderer. But I am looking at my end nodes as they are supposedly busy working, but I do not see them doing anything. Only TaskManager gives even the slightest hint that anything is even happening.
I was wondering how i can see the progress on end nodes, like a render preview, or printed log statements or even just a progress of some sort.
Is this possible to do?
Seeing a bunch of machines sitting around with only Blender looking seemingly idle is quite boring and lacking in useful visual feedback.
HI Grant, feedback comes in the image editor view. Normally when you render in cycles, you see stats printed in the top part of the image editor window that opens when you hit render. Crowdrender does the same, you should be seeing stats printed from each computer in the image editor that tell you what each computer is doing.
There is also feedback in the crowdrender panel, you should see that there are %'s for the completeness of each node's render job for the current frame.
Other than this, there is the possibility to log more data from each node, but that is an advanced use case.
If you'd care to share a bit more about what you need to see that would help, this would be great, we'll definitely look at how it could be used in the next version of the software.