Hi Nigel, ok auto discovery works for known host names, if you change the name of a node to something that is not a valid hostname on your local network, it won't change the IP address, you can then input it when you connect.
If you add two nodes and just call them "node 1" and "node 2", you should see that when you press the large "Connect" button at the bottom of the crowd render panel, you get the option to input the IPs you want.
Ok, IP, that is usually set by the network, if you have DHCP enabled, which on AWS I think it probably will be :). So you are not really advised to try setting the ip from for the node. Also crowdrender binds to all network interfaces, so it should be reachable.
As for host name, we could set a nick name, which would appear in the list in favour of the hostname if that would be helpful? Hostname's are currently used by our software to resolve an ip address on the network of a node by using that hostname. Replacing the host name would mean that for local nodes at least, this ip address lookup would fail.
First with an little dirty hacks, i got my AWS render farm working and a render that would have taken 24 hours took a few hours, so thank you.
Using the auto discovery, crowd-redner is matching the internal hostname and internal ip address, As my master node is my laptop i need the auto discovery to bring back the public ip. That is what i was asking if their was an ip switch option.
again the -p option is going to help me fix an problem of having an really really big list of no longer used node address so thank you
"-t" defines the type of process, "server_int_proc" is used to define the process you're starting as a listening server and allows headless mode.
"-ak" defines the hardware UUID of the node if you don't want the server to find this for itself, useful on VMs where each instance will get the same UUID.
"-p" defines the node as either physical or not, default is true, false means the node is virtual and therefore crowdrender should forget it once its gone.
"-ct" defines the auth token for making the node appear in your account as active, so you can see its online. You don't need this to connect, but it sometimes helps you see that a node is ready for connection.
This part is worth every part and i am really gratefull.
"-p" defines the node as either physical or not, default is true, false means the node is virtual and therefore crowdrender should forget it once its gone.
Would it be possible to request that we can set the ip and nodename.
i ask as when i start crowdrender in my AWS env i get the internal hostname what is not that useful
Hi Nigel, ok auto discovery works for known host names, if you change the name of a node to something that is not a valid hostname on your local network, it won't change the IP address, you can then input it when you connect.
If you add two nodes and just call them "node 1" and "node 2", you should see that when you press the large "Connect" button at the bottom of the crowd render panel, you get the option to input the IPs you want.
Does this help?
Hi Nigel,
Ok, IP, that is usually set by the network, if you have DHCP enabled, which on AWS I think it probably will be :). So you are not really advised to try setting the ip from for the node. Also crowdrender binds to all network interfaces, so it should be reachable.
As for host name, we could set a nick name, which would appear in the list in favour of the hostname if that would be helpful? Hostname's are currently used by our software to resolve an ip address on the network of a node by using that hostname. Replacing the host name would mean that for local nodes at least, this ip address lookup would fail.
Hi Nigel, not as yet,
"-t" defines the type of process, "server_int_proc" is used to define the process you're starting as a listening server and allows headless mode.
"-ak" defines the hardware UUID of the node if you don't want the server to find this for itself, useful on VMs where each instance will get the same UUID.
"-p" defines the node as either physical or not, default is true, false means the node is virtual and therefore crowdrender should forget it once its gone.
"-ct" defines the auth token for making the node appear in your account as active, so you can see its online. You don't need this to connect, but it sometimes helps you see that a node is ready for connection.
Hope that helped :)