Hi! I`m testing the add-on and for starters I have a question:
I corrently have a main computer, and one of the other computers in the house as an ekstra node. When I render a still image, the node does only render about 10% of the final image and then stops, while the main computer continues to render the rest, using another 15minuets before it finishes up. I would like the node to continue rendering as well, why does it render so little and then stop?
Hi James,
does the LB work differently for every .blend file or even per scene ?
Does i make sense to save the .blend project after a few test runs ?
Hi Eivind,
That sounds like the load balancer. To make a single frame faster, the addon calculates how much of the screen to give to each computer. When you render for the first time with a new file, Crowdrender has to render at least a couple of frames to learn what the best proportions for each computer are.
So my advice would be to turn down the number of samples and render a test frame from the file a few times (aim for a render time of 30 seconds to 60 seconds). The load balancer should eventually balance much better and you'll have to two computers rendering in more or less the same amount of time.
If this doesn't happen, please let me know, we'll gladly look into it for you.