Hopefully someone can help.
1 Master Linux Mint XFCE 19.2
3 Nodes Linux Mint XFCE 19.2
All boxes have Mint 19.2 XFCE
All have updates
All have static IP's
All on same subnet
Have all connected to a dumb switch
All Running Blender 2.80
All have cr_021_bl280 installed
All have same network configurations
When I create the nodes I can see it trying to connect then it either fails or does nothing under "Connect" or Resync". Clicking on each node and trying to "Connect" or "Resync" only seems to be acknowledging only one node and ignores the others
I had Blender 2.81 installed and had node sync issues. I thought maybe 2.81 was the problem
Downloaded 2.80 and installed. Same issues
The issue that I am having is that under Blender 2.81 and now 2.80, I cannot get more that 1 node to sync.
No more than three Blender processes running on each machine at a time
None of the nodes are in a suspended or sleep mode
Swapped switch to test. Same issue
I do have Vino-Server running on the Nodes now, but even before I installed it, I had the same issue
I am including some screen captures from the Master and from Node XFCE-3 connections
Any ideas?

It was me.
I started from the beginning and now I have everything up and running. I do not know exactly where I messed up, but I did.
Everything got reinstalled clean from an image, and Crowd Render is now recognizing all the Nodes and is syncing properly.
Thanks for your help and looking forward to testing it out.
Great Work guys!