Hi there,
I just created an account for the forums.
While normally i use created passwords with more than 16 characters, I was not able to do so for the forums.
I don't now the exact max length, as i haven't tried them all.. :D
The problem I had (besides the restriction itself) was, that there was no real information of the signup form of the error.
I had to manually look up the request via dev-tools in order to get to know the error.
There should be at least an error indcating, that the password is too long.
Or a text, that shows this limitation statically.
Kind regards,
Hi Alex, yeah sorry about that. We're going to be migrating this forum to something better. We're currently using a mix of our own hosted pages, and Wix. We started on wix cause it gave us stuff like this forum out of the box.
Wix don't seem super motivated to fix the forum, we've put in tickets and not had any real movement on them. So we're likely to replace our Wix part of the site with something else that allows us to fix stuff like this ourselves.
Again sorry for the confusion and extra effort you had to go to.