Blender 2.93.0
Cr 3.0
My account has many nodes, but there are some lists that are no longer needed. I clicked the "-" button and found out that he will sync the list back soon. Is there any way to delete it? If you can, please clear the list for me and I will just log in again.
In addition, when I was rendering the picture, I found that sometimes the whole picture is transparent and there is no picture, or there are defects in the picture that are not displayed. How can I solve this? I found that other users also have the same problem. Is it because of the BLENDER version or because Crowrender needs a newer version?
Thank you a lot!😁

Ok, no problem, send us an e-mail to our info at crowdrender dot com dot au address with your account details (username is all we need) and I'll be able to help. This forum uses a different account system so its not actually connected in anyway which makes it tricky matching your forum account to the account where you download stuff.
Hi there :) Ok, first, welcome to the forum, and thanks for posting.
The problem with nodes coming back is probably because they are logged into your cloud account. They will persist in your account, but I can remove them if you like.
Just remember, if you login to your cloud account from the addon. The computer you do that from will be visible to any of your other computers that are also logged in, even if it's off.
As for the image error, yes this is our bug, its already been fixed in V0.4.1 ->
V0.4.1 is accessible if you are subscribed to the Crowdrender development fund. Looks to me like you're using the current free version, V0.3.1?
Hope this helps!