server - our headless server is an AWS instance, which runs
blender - 2.83
cr - public version 0.4.1
client -
blender - 2.83
cr - public version 0.4.1
every time I try to render, it shows rendering failed. and the output is all black images.
also, when we sync the server node, while uploading of assets starts, some warning also occurs in the blender"s window console.
here are the screenshots. , some help would be appreciated a lot. thanks.

A bit late I know, but here's the answer for those who may venture here in the future.
You're using EEVEE, depending on the type of instance you are using, and the AMI you might not be able to render at all using EEVEE.
Most CPU based instances, and AMIs you can get on AWS don't support rendering with EEVEE, only cycles