Hi, first of all, I´m big fan of your work (and blender) and also I´m amateur in world of IT, so maybe it will be just something simple I´m just doing wrong. Situation is: I have 4 PCs, all have Windows 10, stable / official built of blender 2.80, crowdrender 018_bl280, we all allowed blender in firewall when prompted. 2 PCs share one internet connection and can connect to each other, sync and render via crowdrender. Other 2 PCs are each located in different cities, and each has different internet connection. I can´t connect to PC nu.3 nor PC nu.4. We tried to reverse process for example: PC nu.3 in role of Master tried to connect to my PC nu.1 in role of Node, doesn´t work either. Message only appears for a second that it couldn´t connect to that node, and in list of nodes it says failed to connect. Please can you give me a hint what am I doing wrong? I was searching for answers but couldn´t find any, would be much appriciated, thank you. Take care!
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Hi Michaela, so sorry we haven't replied yet, I've been explaining (hopefully successfully, not sure) that our website broke recently, we're not sure why but we're no longer receiving notifications about new posts. Also, even if that wasn't what caused us to not reply in your case, we've been generally pretty bad at replying to 100% of the posts here.
So, we've created a new support system, its not intended to replace the forum, but its definitely something to use for a support request, and you can submit a ticket if you need to at https://www.crowd-render.com/report-a-problem
Now in your case, I can very quickly verify that the problem you have is because you need to do something a bit special to get computers in different networks to talk with each other. Crowdrender's support for remote sessions like you need is coming, but is part of a brand new system we're still designing.
In the mean time, your options are really to either use a VPN, or configure the gateway router for the network where your 'remote' nodes are to forward traffic from your client machine to the computer you want to use. Forwarding has a limitation in that it can only use one of the computers in that remote location. If you want to use all of them, then the VPN method is the way to go.
If you like I can explain more, please let me know and I will reply :)