Dear @shikyo13 We have a new version about ready to release, would you be at all interested in testing before it is officially available? I would very much like to see you able to use the addon to render, I think this new version is far more stable. Please reply and let me know if you would like to take us up on this offer :)
Ok, with CUDA, if the render is hanging, can you render locally using the cycles engine using the same scene? The best way to test what could be doing this is to see if you get any errors while rendering without the add-on.
If it turns out that the render works without problems using cycles (no crowd render) then we can do further investigation, starting with seeing all of your logs files. The logs you provided don't actually tell me what the error is, just that there's been an error. Hopefully there will be more information in the bulk of the logs.
You can export all logs to a zip file in Blender > user preferences > addons > crowdrender
Press the "zip logs" button and it will save all logs from the computer you are on to the desktop. Please do this for both the master and the render nodes you had trouble with. So one zip file for each computer you used.
You can e-mail these to info at crowdrender dot com dot au :)
Have you tried just re-opening the file? I've found with complicated projects, I get sync fail at first, but if I re-open the blend file, then it syncs. Let me know if that helps.
Dear @shikyo13 We have a new version about ready to release, would you be at all interested in testing before it is officially available? I would very much like to see you able to use the addon to render, I think this new version is far more stable. Please reply and let me know if you would like to take us up on this offer :)
Hi Shikyo,
Ok, with CUDA, if the render is hanging, can you render locally using the cycles engine using the same scene? The best way to test what could be doing this is to see if you get any errors while rendering without the add-on.
If it turns out that the render works without problems using cycles (no crowd render) then we can do further investigation, starting with seeing all of your logs files. The logs you provided don't actually tell me what the error is, just that there's been an error. Hopefully there will be more information in the bulk of the logs.
You can export all logs to a zip file in Blender > user preferences > addons > crowdrender
Press the "zip logs" button and it will save all logs from the computer you are on to the desktop. Please do this for both the master and the render nodes you had trouble with. So one zip file for each computer you used.
You can e-mail these to info at crowdrender dot com dot au :)
Hi Shikyo,
Have you tried just re-opening the file? I've found with complicated projects, I get sync fail at first, but if I re-open the blend file, then it syncs. Let me know if that helps.