Trying to connect 2 Macs running Blender 2.79 on network. When I add a render node it gets stuck on 'connecting'. Using either the network name or IP address results in the same issue.
Hi Ian, sooooo sorry it took me so long to reply, for some reason I'm not getting notifications when new posts are happening here. I'll have to fix that, anyway, of course I want to help. Things like this are sometimes easier to fix in chat, so how about you send me your details to our info at crowdrender dot com dot au address and I can invite you to a chat system so we can debug?
Otherwise the only advice I can offer is to check that your firewall is not blocking crowdrender. If the firewall is not the issue then check that the computers can ping each other. If the ping works and the firewall wasn't an issue, lets talk, you might have found a bug.
Hi Ian, sooooo sorry it took me so long to reply, for some reason I'm not getting notifications when new posts are happening here. I'll have to fix that, anyway, of course I want to help. Things like this are sometimes easier to fix in chat, so how about you send me your details to our info at crowdrender dot com dot au address and I can invite you to a chat system so we can debug?
Otherwise the only advice I can offer is to check that your firewall is not blocking crowdrender. If the firewall is not the issue then check that the computers can ping each other. If the ping works and the firewall wasn't an issue, lets talk, you might have found a bug.