I followed all the steps in the documentation, and here is where I am now.
I have 2 nodes and 1 client, on the client I have both machines and their IP Addresses connected.
One of the nodes (Windows) connects and says synced (on the node itself, the status doesn't show up on the host/client).
The other node (Ubuntu) doesn't show it's status on the node itself, nor the client.
Not only that, I had to create 3 nodes, because the Linux one kept changing it's IP to some random other IP address (that's not even on my home network), but I fixed that by creating a 3rd one and adding my Linux machine.
Then, every time I press the connect button on the client, the laggier and laggier Blender gets.
And finally, when I press render still, nothing happens at all. None of the machines do anything.
I'm using Crowdrender v0.2.5 for Blender 2.8x and 2.9x on all the machines, and all the machines are running Blender 2.91.0
Can anyone help with this? This project seems really cool, but it just doesn't work for me.
Hi Jonas,
"This machine" refers to the status of the computer you're looking at. You can of course include the client in a render along with the other nodes on the network. You should always see it synced/ready since your blend file is hosted on the client machine (and copied to all other nodes when you connect).
If you don't see "this machine" synced, then you have a problem to be fixed there. Usually a sign that the addon has failed to start one of its background processes.
Also, forgive me if I am wrong here, but have you actually asked crowdrender to connect to each node? I re-read your last post a couple of times and you mentioned;
"I couldn't view the status of the other nodes, and what I mean by that is, in the documentation it says that I should be seeing the node's name, then the node status, then 3 different buttons. All I see is the node name and the buttons, even though they are apparently connected"
While its true that you should see extra buttons appear, this happens once you've asked Crowdrender to connect. Connection is (not yet) automatic. You mentioned that the tool tip said "ready to connect", which means the node is not connected, and you won't see those buttons until you click the connect icon (looks like a chain link), and then press OK to confirm the IP address. Once you click OK, Crowdrender then attempts to resolve the IP, or use the one you give it (be careful here, if you use the actual host name of the computer, then Crowdrender will overwrite the IP you gave it with the one it resolves from the hostname).
After resolving the IP address, if that happens, CR then starts connecting, it should then upload your file once connected, and finally confirm the node is synced. CR will time out if the node doesn't answer in 30 seconds. If that happens you'll see a message for that node that it "failed to connect".
You might have already done all that, if so, apologies for the wasted space here :) just thought it useful to go over the connection process... just in case!
Hi Jonas,
Ok, so a few things to check...
That you're running the same version of blender and the addon on each computer, sounds like you have different versions installed, so just make sure to check that they are all indeed the same version.
Make sure you only have one session of blender open on your clients and nodes. Crowdrender doesn't cope well with having multiple sessions of blender running at once.
Lag during connection is caused by the crowdrender addon doing a lookup of the name you give each node to see if there's an IP address associated with that node on your network. If its slow, chances are the lookup timed out which means it failed to find an ip address for that name. We attempt to resolve host names, so if you name your node something other than their host names, this will fail every time and time out.
Your version of the addon will sometimes have a problem resolving the correct ip address for a node when the client is running on windows. For some odd reason, windows can sometimes return a nonsensical ip address if asked to resolve node_name.local. We append .local to host names to help macOS find nodes, without which it fails sometimes. We removed this in V0.2.8 for windows so it would stop returning nonsense IPs for windows clients. You can get around this though, if you give the linux node a name that is NOT a host name on your network, then crowdrender will not give it an IP address and you can enter one manually. Seems like you kinda did that already judging by what you wrote above.
Things that concern me is that you say the windows node shows synced, but on the host/client/master there's no status showing. The client/master, where you connect to other nodes and render from, should show that your nodes, after connecting, are synced.
The nodes themselves should not show anything. Crowdrender is bidirectional in that any computer can be both a client/master and a render node. If you see something showing synced on a render node, then this has nothing to do with sessions on other machines that might be using that computer as a render node.
It's difficult to be more specific to your circumstances without knowing more info. You might benefit from rebooting the computers and trying just one node to start with, see if you can get it to connect and sync, then render.