so i have first time testet the crowdrender addon. First, i would say thanks guys for your work and time spend in this project.
I have three pcs at home. Because i always run out of vram by my projects, so i render normally with cpu.
The first problem was syncing the pcs. I had already installed the newest Blenderversion 2.79 at my workingpc. Then i installed the same version at the other two machines. They didn´t want syncing. As i installed all my addons and personally preferences at the other two machines (i copied and pastet the user preference folder from my working pc) it works and all synced.
Then the first try.
this ist the refrence render. Dont´t look at the headlight, it was only a quick testrender an i have forgotten to give the light a texture. It tooks about 10 minutes to render with my workpc with cpu.
Here the render with all three machines: It tooks about 9 minutes
As you can see, the enviroment lighting is there, but no textures at the renderclients. I think the part with textures is the local machine. I don´t know how and i couldn´t fix this until now.
But the next problem i will show you:
You see, this render tooks only about 8 minutes. There are even no textures at the lift part, but this render was with only two machines. And it tooks less time then that with three machines. Why is that? Now, the third pc, the Laptop has a lower cpu. I think the crowdrender addon took the image, divide it into pieces and then the clients render it out. But it seems this happens not dynamically. When one pc is ready, he do nothing.
For example: The teamrender feature by Cinema 4d. There render all cores of all renderclients simultaneous at the picuter (in case of a still). If you have f.e. the cpu`s with each four cores, then there are 12 buckets at the picture by rendering. So it doesn`t matter when one machine is slower than another, because the faster machine can render simple more buckets.
By the crowdrender addon in my case it is better, to disable the slower pc, as you can see, when i render it out with two equal machines, i have the best rendertime, because the slower machine doesn´t breake out the render.
Whats with the texture? I don´t know
So this was my first experience with the crowdrender. Since it is in develompment, there will sure comes huge improvements in future.
best regards
Hi Gopper, great work :) I also think I have found what is causing the problems with sync. We'll be releasing a patched version of the pre-release to all the registered testers next week after we've done some more testing on it.