So I am new to this set up and it looked like a great thing, but I am having a number of issues.
1) I subscribed under my profile, yet on the main site, under subscriptions it is showing that I have no subscriptions
2) I have 2 machines successfully connected and being used in the render environment, however even doing a test render with stock standard bsdf textures (no external images etc) the render goes pink (the first one I did was a short animation that i rendered out as an image sequence, the first 67 frames where perfect, then each frame got progressively pink, till the entire thing was pink in place of the textures, now no mater what I try I am still getting everything rendering in pink (render on origin machine with cycles or eevee renders perfectly)
3) I submitted a support ticket more then a week ago and have had no reply (login in here made me realize that for some reason my login to the add-on is not actually connected to the main site)
yes I am having a bit of a rant, and apologies, but there seems to be a massive disconnect between the add-on login ( and this site )
can someone please help
HI @James Crowther regards to point 2 I did pack into blend and resynced the nodes, then i created a basic test file with no external data including no hdri and still followed the flow, was still getting pink. I have no re - run the test and for some weird reason it seems to be working (maybe it was my machine being stupid) :P :P
Hi @PhoenixBLADE, apologies for the delayed response.
Are you able to download the latest version of the addon? If not then we need to fix your subscription asap, you can mail us directly at info at crowdrender dot com dot au, though I will find your ticket and try to respond to you directly, if that doesn't happen, please email us straight away.
Pink textures happen when you use textures, but don't pack them into your blend file. Crowdrender doesn't automatically handle external files for you. You have a choice of how to handle using external files. You can either pack them, or host them in a shared location on your network. Packing is fairly easy since Blender has a menu function for doing this, you just got to Blender's File menu > external data and then choose pack into blend. Then you have resynchronise your render nodes. There's a button for this on the Crowdrender panel, which is located in Blender's Render Properties window. We've made a couple of videos about hosting external files from a shared folder, this takes a lot more setup, but once it is setup, its far more flexible and convenient than having to pack files every time you add a new texture or HDRI. Here's a link ->
Sorry for the late response. Sometimes it does take time for me to get around to everyone. There are also two account systems on our website, sorry for the confusion here. We have a forum hosted by Wix which has a separate login system to our area.