I am not able to download the latest version, i.e. 0.2.5 for Blender 2.82a (2.8x). I have verified my email address (on two different accounts) and still the buttons are disabled. I have tried downloading directly by changing the links on the other buttons, but then I get rickrolled.
How do I download the latest version?
Hi Hamish, replying to this and your YT comment;
Hi Hamish, ok, regarding the presentation of the page, that is a good point, and I think enough people now have experienced confusion that the penny has finally dropped for me (can be a long way for that penny somedays). We'll change the layout of the download page and make it clear where the latest freely available versions are.
As for version 0.2.2 not working with 2.80, well, it should, I know that's probably cold comfort to you at this stage, but its not intentional that V0.2.2 is not compatible with blender 2.82, it should be.
So when you say it doesn't work, what exactly doesn't work? Software can be quite complicated, for us to help you, saying something doesn't work really gives us no clue what the issue might be.
I understand you might feel 30 minutes of your time has been wasted, that wasn't intentional, but we do want to help, so please feel free to submit a ticket for this, we have a free support system https://www.crowd-render.com/report-a-problem where you can get support.