I have tried the add-on with both Blender 2.90 and 2.91. Basically, it does not find or connect the computers. I have 2: one with Windows 10 and one with the latest Ubuntu with fixed IPs in a LAN network. I have had no problems with the add-ons' installation and activation. Basically:
1 - If I create the nodes and provide the right name, the software finds out the right IPs; but nothing else happens. No signs appear to enable or disable the nodes.
2. If I try to sign in to the cloud account, it does nothing. I do not know what happens with the account. To get into this forum, I had to do "sign up" instead of "sign in", although I already had an account but the system did not recognise it (is the cloud account also another different account? Or do you have to have money in it already?).

See in the picture how the new node displays and the feedback below after clicking the gears . Nothing else happens. No error message, no more icons on the left of the "i" icon in the node. This is trying from Windows, If I try fron Ubuntu, the same happens.
Note: the curious text of the "connect" button has to do with a quirk of the Catalan version. I put Blender back into English to try again and it displays "connect" correctly; but the problem remains.
Hi Joan
Thanks for posting your question, will do my best to answer. Basically you're correct about the website, and apologies for the confusion, there are two separate accounts due to our current setup. One for the forums and one for the cloud account.
We're working on changing this, though its actually a more complicated process than merely migrating accounts, we also need to transition the entire forum to another provider. We're not happy with our current hosting solution so we're looking at options to move elsewhere.
As for you issues with the software. I think you'd be better off raising a ticket for this in our support system at https://www.crowd-render.com/report-a-problem since it seems like you'll need to provide more info, if that's cool make sure to include the steps you took in detail that make the same thing happen every time. Also;
You might want to verify that you can actually get the problem to happen more than once, its odd, but sometimes on the second go things work.
Please include the exact versions of Blender and crowdrender you used on each node along with the results (i.e. connected or didn't connect)
If you can, please attach logs from your computers in your ticket. One set of logs per computer involved. You can easily produce a zip file of logs from each computer by going to Blender > edit menu > preferences > addons tab > Crowdrender addon, expand the addon and scroll down, then look for the "zip logs" button, this will, using the default settings, create a zip file on your desktop with the host name of the computer, this makes it easier for us to know which computer is which. For example when you say, "I was working on computer "X" and tried to connect to "joan.Ubuntu", we can easily find the logs for those machines if they have the same names on the zip files :)
Looking forward to hearing back :)
One more detail to add: the "i" buttons report 0 warnings and errors.