Regarding to the sentence "You should make sure the node you're connecting to is on, running blender with the addon enabled and 'started' (see above)." in the section of connecting nodes without a cloud, because my nodes are in the cluster which means there is no gnome-desktop to be shown, may I know how I am supposed to enable and start the add-on? I know that the blender can be run in the background using command line, is there any command that I can use to start the add-on? Thank you very much!
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Hi @joezhou099 Sorry, again, forum still not fixed, despite me asking. Ok, commands to add new nodes? Hmmm, that hasn't been designed into the addon as such. But, it could be done via python scripting in blender.
Our addon uses Blender's operators to command a connection or addition of a node. So you can easily write a script that uses these operators to accomplish that. However, the documentation isn't written for this. I could help you write a script if you want to post what you have here.
Hi there, arrrghh! Sorry for this late reply, apparently our web provider said they fixed a bug that was stopping us being notified about new forum posts, seems its still broken. Anyway,
To enable nodes without a desktop, you simply need to start blender in background mode as you mentioned, you also need some command line options to be given to blender so it will run a start script and create a server to listen for connections.
To do this try the following.
/path_to_blender/blender -b -noaudio -P /path_to_addon_scripts/crowdrender/src/py_3_7/ -- -t "server_int_proc"
This assumes that you are using blender that has a python version of 3.7, hence the "py_3_7" part of the path to the script that needs to run. This is for the current 2.8X builds of blender. Eventually they are moving to python 3.8 though, so look out for this if you're using daily builds.
We have added support for python 3.8 but this is only for supporters of our dev fund, however, we're about to announce a new funding target to unlock these builds one by one, so stay tuned for progress on that.
Lastly, hope this helps and sorry for the late reply again :)