In looking at this again, I noticed that if I configure one Node, CR does not seem to have a problem connecting to it and synching to it. If I then add a second Node, it adds it to the Node display box, CR appears to "Resync" itself but the original Node that was "Synch'd", goes into "Upload" mode, never returns to "Synch'd" and the additional Node that I configured stays greyed out. Hitting "Resync" gives the same result.
I configured all three of my Nodes one by one and had the same result. The original Node sync's, secondary Nodes stays greyed out, and original goes into "Upload" mode.
If I delete the Node that stays greyed out, do a "Connect" the original Node will then "resync".
All three nodes and the Master are running Linux Mint XFCE. All have the same Blender version (2.80) and CR_021_bl280 installed. All on local home network.
Any help would be appreciated.