Live PC Workstation Build
Hello everyone!
Well, we're almost there, we tried to do this a week ago and our parts weren't ready but now they are (we hope) and so we're going to build and test a new workstation, live! We're going to be basing our build on a Ryzen CPU, Nvidia GPU, intending this machine to be an entry level workstation for CGI and video editing.
Why are we doing this?
Cause we love gear :) and we want to try out what works best for various heavy computational tasks like rendering in cycles, or encoding video, creating simulations, the list goes on. We, like you, want speed and value for money, so we're doing experiments to see what works best and sharing the results with you.
When are we doing this (exactly)?
There are two streams;
Build the machine and get it up and running whilst filming it all and having a bit of fun - 11pm UTC on the 22nd of August
Benchmarks, fun and games, power consumption tests, "how quiet it is" tests (with a meter and everything!!) - 9:00am UTC on the 23rd of August
Joining us on the stream :)
For all our supporters you'll be getting a link to each stream about 30 mins before they start. If you'd like to become a supporter and join us and help support our render farm software project, you can click the link below.
Otherwise we recommend creating a cloud account (which will subscribe you to our mail list and we'll let you know when the recordings are released, when we release new software or write new articles :) you can do using the link below.