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V0.3.0 Unlocked!!!

Well gosh and dang!! We made another milestone.... First please watch this 👇

Sooo yeah, very, very cool, and thanks heaps to everyone who helped!!!

Now, about V0.3.0

So, before you go download V0.3.0 and go nuts, a few things you need to know, we made some pretty bold changes between V0.2.10 and V0.3.0

  1. The render buttons are gone!! Wait WHAT? GONE? Yes, we changed how crowdrender integrates with Blender. You can can read about the nitty gritty details in this article, but the biggest thing to realise is that you need to use crowdrender as a regular render engine in Blender. This means you select it from the list of render engines in blender, and you use F12, just like you would cycles. Check our docs for more ->

  2. Scripting with Crowdrender is now possible. Before if you wanted to render with Crowdrender from a script, you'd have little to no idea when it was actually finished rendering. This was a legacy of the somewhat janky integration with Blender we had designed. Since we're now a render engine like all others, scripting is possible since our engine will be finished once the handler is called. So you can simply register a function with that particular handler and run your script using that handler to tell you when rendering is done.

What's next?

Regulars to our website will know I love a shameless plug. So here are some reasons to stick around and support our project :)

  1. We have a new version due out mid July (ish). This will be another feature update taking us to V0.4.0.

  2. We're working on a brand new system, and you will learn more about it as we go, especially if you are following us on twitter because that is where we post short little updates about progress, for instance..

3. News, reviews and hardware tips for getting the most out of your 3d animation software, we have a YouTube channel to which you should definitely subscribe if you like hardware :) ->

Support this!!

We are developers, and we are hungry!! Just like you, we thrive when our bellies are full, you can help feed us with ramen noodles by supporting our development fund so we can keep Crowdrender online and maintained.

Our current funding goal is totally within our grasp, and will fund one dev part time to help keep the addon current, fix bugs and make sure that happens for the rest of all time.

You can support us here ->

By being totally community funded, we stay independent and totally devoted to users. You can support us from just $4 a month, with options for yearly subscriptions, perks and cool jazzy stuff like that.

Get this, like right now!!

Download our addon for free, all we ask is for you to subscribe to our website :) This way we can keep you informed with the latest developments of our project, like updates to the software! We keep your details totally private. In fact the details we ask from you are pretty much an e-mail address. Just please, none of those temporary e-mails ok??!

After signing up, you can totally opt out of all mail we send. Though you'll miss updates to the software, and other stuff we talk about from time to time

If that's cool, then here's where you signup (or login) -> :D

Got feedback?

Like this? Don't like this? Please tell us!! It's the only way we'll ever get better. It's hard to learn without your feedback, so let us know, there's a comment section below, twitter works or youtube, pretty much everywhere there is someway to get feedback to us, including right here on our website, if you like you can contact us though this very website. Just scroll to the bottom of this page and click "Contact Us".

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