V018 Released | Bug fixes for Blender 2.80 compatibility

A small but sweet update to the current addon for blender. We found an issue that caused render nodes (any computer you connect to so you can make rendering faster!) would exit if you moved objects, changed settings, and so on.
The cause of this was some old code in the Blender python API that was deprecated in May. For some reason we only picked this up a month ago, right about when the release candidates were coming out.
So, we've fixed this and packaged it along with some other enhancements that we've been working on. Mainly for the cloud rendering system. We used to have notifications pop up so often, you may have thought we'd either punched you, or your computer just got a virus. Now, we put any notifications in a list you can clear with a single click. Which is much nicer.
Finally, we're working hard to build you what you need. Every three weeks we complete a sprint of development which goes into our trunk or master of development. When we think we have something worth giving to you, we release it.
We're also following semantic versioning now. Semantic versioning works like this.
version number = MAJOR . MINOR . PATCH
which for us means that
| | |_ if the patch number changes, we've fixed bugs in a backwards compatible way
| |_ if the minor number changes, we've added functionality in a backwards compatible way
|_ if the major number changes, then we've broken compatibility, you'll need to update all your computers to the same version for it to work
From v018 on, if only the patch or minor changes occur, you can mix these versions with others from v018 and up without needing to update your whole render farm. If the major number changes, then you'll have to decide whether you'll update or not.
We hope this has been helpful, if you like our software, maybe give it a try, v018 is available from https://www.crowd-render.com/download
You might also like to contribute to a discussion we're having about what to build next, remember, we're building new stuff every three weeks and releasing often, go here to have your say!